Well…that was another year of highs and lows wasn’t it! Some cancellations but, thankfully, a gradual return to teaching and to shows. It was so good to start seeing old friends and making new ones, even if it was from behind a mask. Let’s all hope that this new year will open up even more opportunities. The lockdowns have definitely had some positives. We have all had to think about new ways of reaching out, not only in our work situation but also as a way to keep our friends and family close. There have been so many acts of kindness, often from very unexpected sources. It would be good if we can continue in that vein when life does being to return to a type of normal. I already have workshops, classes and shows booked which is a big positive. Details will be available fairly soon once current uncertainty is past. One very definite positive to come out of the last couple of years is that I have had plenty of opportunity to work through the ‘when I’ve got a minute’ list. I’ve had an enormous amount of fun playing with all of those lovely materials that get bought but put away unused. I’ve tried techniques which I certainly wouldn’t have tried before. I like to think that I’ve learnt a lot in the process which I will be able to pass on.
I am looking forward, with hope, to this new year. See you all soon.